All projects

Next.js | Contentful Headless CMS | JAM stack

A web app that allows to filter and search for date ideas in Vancouver. Features include: content management, fitler search, date ideas generator, blog postings


Next.js | Contentful Headless CMS | JAM stack

A web app that allows to filter and search for date ideas in Vancouver. Features include: content management, fitler search, date ideas generator, blog postings

VK music scraper and Spotify music importer

Playwright.js | Spotify API | Automation

This script allows you to scrap your music from VK and save scraped songs with Spotify API

VK music scraper and Spotify music importer

Playwright.js | Spotify API | Automation

This script allows you to scrap your music from VK and save scraped songs with Spotify API

Brillante Group

Custom WordPress theme | React

Real Estate Corporation specializing in acquisitions and development of multi-unit residential apartment buildings across Eastern Canada.

Brillante Group

Custom WordPress theme | React

Real Estate Corporation specializing in acquisitions and development of multi-unit residential apartment buildings across Eastern Canada.

Netflix Clone

React | Firebase | Tailwind CSS

Developed a full-stack application with authentication system through Firebase using React.js, Tailwind CSS.

Netflix Clone

React | Firebase | Tailwind CSS

Developed a full-stack application with authentication system through Firebase using React.js, Tailwind CSS.

BBQ Chicken

WordPress + React

BBQ Chicken is a global fast food franchise restaurants located in over 20 countries. In this project I have built pages using WordPress and React-based plugins (Gutenberg, Kadence blocks). Custom stylings were implemented with variety of methods (styling plugins, stylesheets, etc.).

BBQ Chicken

WordPress + React

BBQ Chicken is a global fast food franchise restaurants located in over 20 countries. In this project I have built pages using WordPress and React-based plugins (Gutenberg, Kadence blocks). Custom stylings were implemented with variety of methods (styling plugins, stylesheets, etc.).

Seniors Services Society of British Columbia

WordPress CMS | Advanced Custom Fields WP plugin

Performance optimization, bugs fix, implementation of custom features ('Housing search' page, etc.)

Seniors Services Society of British Columbia

WordPress CMS | Advanced Custom Fields WP plugin

Performance optimization, bugs fix, implementation of custom features ('Housing search' page, etc.)

BC Council for International Education

UI/UX | Figma | WordPress custom theme

Redesigning and redeveloping the appearance, layout, and flow of the website. Performing updates as required, assisting with creating, publishing, and updating content for BCCIE’s website

BC Council for International Education

UI/UX | Figma | WordPress custom theme

Redesigning and redeveloping the appearance, layout, and flow of the website. Performing updates as required, assisting with creating, publishing, and updating content for BCCIE’s website

onCampus food delivery

UI/UX | Figma

Won 3rd place in BCIT Innovation Challenge and 3rd place at Nourishing Innovation Challenge. Designed additional service in BCIT mobile application to help students who reside in dormitory to receive their groceries on time and accordingly. Source:

onCampus food delivery

UI/UX | Figma

Won 3rd place in BCIT Innovation Challenge and 3rd place at Nourishing Innovation Challenge. Designed additional service in BCIT mobile application to help students who reside in dormitory to receive their groceries on time and accordingly. Source:

West Coast Kids Foundation

CMS | SquareSpace custom theme

Worked with WCK team to maintain WCK's website, including but not limited to its functionality and performance. Assisted the team in updating the website as needed. Made suggestions to the WCK team to improve the website and implement them as needed. Improvements included, but weren't limited to, adding helpful features, optimizing the website's performance, improving its responsiveness, and improving the user experience through conducting usability testings

West Coast Kids Foundation

CMS | SquareSpace custom theme

Worked with WCK team to maintain WCK's website, including but not limited to its functionality and performance. Assisted the team in updating the website as needed. Made suggestions to the WCK team to improve the website and implement them as needed. Improvements included, but weren't limited to, adding helpful features, optimizing the website's performance, improving its responsiveness, and improving the user experience through conducting usability testings

Canada Computers

UI/UX | Figma

Rapid prototyping and complete redesign of Canada Computers. I have contributed into a creating low and high fidelity testings which later on been taken into creating final version of the website.

Canada Computers

UI/UX | Figma

Rapid prototyping and complete redesign of Canada Computers. I have contributed into a creating low and high fidelity testings which later on been taken into creating final version of the website.